Saturday, November 30, 2024

The World behind the Curtain of Light

"Wait a bit. The darkness will help. The Eigengrau will guide you the way."
"But? How?"
"Wait for the color we see in the blackest of times, that will change the light for us to see."
"What? What is happening? The way?"

It is a dark, emotional and complex narrative that is more than a simple story created merely to be mass entertainment. This narrative is a journey to keep hoping while days, weeks, months, years pass, while alive yet dead, while dead yet alive, failure and pain make a door clearer that perhaps should no longer be ignored. This narrative is not created, none of these works are created for money, for fame, but in a seemingly futile hope.
In a sea of infinity, it is confusing and questionable how struggle can ever be necessary, how escape into a mental asylum of oblivion can ever be part of evolution, and yet it is truth in reality that the own brain can mean dying, though heart and more in full vigor. Like a fine network of doom, the truth ticks into a strange future of the past and reality is once again torn apart.
A lot of time has passed. Thousands of years. Thousands of years after an accident. Thousands of years after two murders. Thousands of years after violence. Thousands of years after torture. But the silver of a truth that has not been understood continues to shine through the darkest night, away from all this pain. And as the universe goes down, will be nothing more than an empty realm in time and space, perhaps, there then, at last, suffering is overcome. We are eternal.
This narrative is memory and will perhaps one day open doors that will mean deliverance for us, deliverance from the stupidity of having wanted to act justly and benevolently, because not only ingratitude is the world's reward, but violence and hatred are also added to it. Shall this universe and every galaxy, every planet, perish in eternal cold and decay, so that perhaps the downfall will make the message clear and turn every system into another entry in the greatest museum of all time. And as soon as the silence spreads over the ruins, there will finally be peace.

Every book of the series sorted, listed, and more info.

Every song sorted, listed, and more info, like lyrics.
In future, maybe.

The faction page is a page full with hell a lot of info about, well, no spoiling here. So, how ever to unlock that page? That is written in the books. It depends on the army, the forces. But there is too much written what is actually giving info about the series already and no one who did not even has read book one of the series, should read that, because it would give extreme hell a lot away, or would just mess the Lore up.
The page is already written very much and could be at any time be published, but for now it is much better, for several reasons, not only what is written here, that it is not published right now. Maybe it even should not be published ever, cause it is written in the books, to understand and so on. Maybe that page, that is right now just a draft, is not good to ever be published. I don't know, but I find the latter is more true, so to never publish it.

DeviantArt: TErrorInTheSystem

There is another description for that: Special Place.